Monday, February 1, 2010

The Week in Words 
Thanks to Melissa at Breath of Life I have the honor of participating and sharing "The Week in Words".Melissa states, "Playing along is simple, just write a post of the quote(s) that spoke to you during the week (attributed, of course) and link back here. They can be from any written source, i.e. magazine, newspaper, blog, book. The only requirement is that they be words you read."

 There's a story about a mountain climber who misses her footing and slides down the rock toward the edge of the cliff. Just before she's about to go over, she grabs hold of the ledge and hangs there, suspended in midair.     Desperately, she cries out, " Lord, help me. Please come to my rescue!"The Lord answers, "Yes Sadie, I can help you, but first there's one thing you must do." "Oh Lord," Sadie says, "I'll do anything. What must must I do?" And the Lord answers. "Sadie, you have to let go of that ledge." That's exactly what every woman I spoke to was called to do as she made her way to higher earnings. She had to let go of the ledge.

Secrets of Six-Figure Women, B. Stanny

These people [Naysayers] actually perform a valuable service. They come to test our level of commitment. If you notice, the more tentative you feel, the more pessimistic they sound. If they succeed in discouraging you, be grateful. You didn't have the moxie to make it in the first place.

Secrets of Six-Figure Women, B. Stanny


  1. I've never heard of this book, but it looks interesting. Thanks for joining us.

  2. Sounds like a book out of my league! Ha!

  3. I think it's a must-have for every woman, I go on and on to my family and friends about all the new things I've learned daily hehe It's empowering ;-) It goes from addressing inaccurate and debilitating childhood mind sets surrounding self-love and having money to being able to stand up for oneself in asking for a promotion to weeding out people in your life that dont want their "boat to be rocked" as you are becoming aware! There are a lot of great detailed accounts of high earners and instructions on how to be the "best" you can be along with the pay you are "worth" (whether we believe it or not!)

  4. Great quotes. Thank you for sharing. :)
